The 9700X, which was scheduled to arrive on the 31st of July, will be now launching on August 8. The CPU is a mid-range option, great for those who want something that can deliver excellent performance while keeping the temps low. But how does it stack up against a mid-range option ...
Why it's okay (and not) to run a chip at high temps Imagine we have a PC that has a CPU and GPU that are both rated to a maximum temperature of 100°C before any thermal throttling takes place, and under normal use both run at 90°C. Contrary to what one might expect, this is...
At a basic level, the higher the number, the more powerful the processor. We have anIntel Core i9-13900Kfor this extreme gaming build on the basis that we want to create something that can handle anything you throw at it. This is the current flagship, but you could opt for something ...