Beyond that, if you continue to detoxify your body and your lifestyle, it will help you in the prevention of disease. There is truly no substitute for clean and healthy living, and all of these detox strategies are the vehicle to help you to get to where you want to be. Review the l...
Activated charcoal is generally sold in capsule form and you can take it away from meals. If you eat a meal with foods that your body is sensitive to, you can take charcoal with the meal to help reduce the inflammation from the food sensitivity. You can also open the capsule, dissolve i...
They are found in soft plastics, fragrances, nail polishes, hair sprays, cleansers, shampoos, and other personal care products. Phthalates can reduce natural estrogen production, potentially leading to irregular periods. Some types of phthalates are banned in the European Union, but it depend...
Now that we've reviewed the two main types of toxins that your body is exposed to, let's assume that you haven't yet taken steps to reduce your exposure to toxins, and that these toxins are steadily making their way into your blood. How does your body deal with this constant influx o...
The benefit common to using one of the many detoxification therapies available is that they all put the body, and especially its digestive tract, on vacation. In other words, by cleansing the body of built-up poisons and not adding more to the mix, we reduce the stress on the immune syst...
green detox to cleanse body + clear skin $26.00SHOP NOW Identifying Environmental Culprits Escaping toxins entirely is challenging due to daily exposure to plastics, man-made chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, and mold. However, you can reduce your exposure to them with the following recommendatio...
how to detox your body Toxins Toxins and Extra Weight toxins cholesterol National Health Service: Toxin accumulations significantly reduce the efficiency of theliverin metabolizing fats and eliminating waste products. As a result, further toxins build up takes place, affecting the normal functioning of...
1. Balanced Bacteria (Which Can Help Reduce Body Odor) By applying products to your pits that naturally stick to smell-causing bacteria and then remove it, or kill bacteria on contact, you reduce unwanted odors. As said above, apple cider vinegar can help reduce the presence of smelly bacter...
Exercise also boosts the production of the body’s natural painkillers,endorphins, which reduce the stress response and improve mood. Exercise will help you sleep, another important factor in controlling mood swings. Even one sleepless night can leave you moody, irritable, and overly emotional the ...
A glass of wine with dinner isn’t going to do much harm. But too much alcohol can raise toxin levels in your body. This turns on inflammation, which can damage tissues and organs. If you drink at all, do so in moderation. What does that mean? According to the CDC, it’s no more...