Your auto insurance premium can change for a number of reasons; some of these may be in your control and others may be a result of the environment you’re in. Pinpointing why your premium may have gone up can help you make a game plan for how to reduce it. You had an accident or...
most states charge smokers up to 50% more than nonsmokers for health insurance policies. As an example, if you’re a smoker paying $600 a month for health insurance, you might be able to reduce your premium to, say, $400 if you quit smoking. ...
Presents a list of ways to assist your company in saving on insurance premiums. Increase experienced for 1995; Importance of proper building maintenance; Why W&M Properties was accepted for coverage by...
vandalized or damaged by a natural disaster. Instead of paying out-of-pocket for auto accidents, people pay annualpremiumsto an autoinsurancecompany; the company then pays all or most of the costs
Renters insurance Car payments Life insurance premiums Auto insurance premiums You may also have student loan payments that are fixed. It’s best to look for ways tosave money each monthon these expenses. For example, you can compare multiple insurers to get the best rate for car insurance. ...
Student discounts: College students often pay high insurance rates, but good grades and heading to school without a car could reduce the cost of coverage. Payment discounts: Paying your premium in full or even setting up auto-pay could qualify you for a small discount on your rate. Affiliation...
Your deductible is the amount of money you will have topay out of pocketbefore the insurance company steps in. Raising your deductible can lower your car and home insurance premiums. With car insurance, for example, "increasing your deductible from $500 to $1,000 can reduce optional collision...
Health insurance premiums for individuals and groups have spiked continuously over the past decades. Yet, the ongoing pandemic as well as the ever-increasing healthcare costs have taught us the importance of securing a robust health insurance plan. In this Pacific Prime article, our specialists ...
premiums are determined by various factors that assess the level of risk associated with insuring a particular vehicle and driver. Understanding these factors can help you better understand why your premiums may vary from other individuals and how you can potentially manage and reduce your insurance ...
s a well-known fact that auto premiums typically cost the most during your early driving years. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to save money and even score discounts on your auto insurance rate that might help offset this. Here are five smart saving ideas you might wa...