I'm currently writing out billions of binary records to ASCII files (ugh). I've got things working just fine, but I'd like to optimize the performance if I can. The problem is, the user is allowed to select any number of fields to output, so I can't know at compile-time which o...
Of course not. All we need to know is how to derive it. This is not difficult at all. The transfer function can be derived with the help of the Superposition Theorem. This theorem says that the effect of all sources in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of all of the effects of ...
I am working on a parallel processing program that uses MPI_Send() and MPI_Recv() instead of using MPI_Reduce(). I understand that MPI_Send() will need to send a value from each processor to the root processor aka 0 and MPI_Recv() will need to receive all of the values from each...
Step 4. Set the size and quality for the output video file The size and quality of the output video are determined by the bitrate value: the higher the bitrate, the better the quality and the larger the video file size. If you want to reduce the movie file size, you need to decrease...
Another way to reduce the connection latency is to reuse the SpeechSynthesizer so you don't need to create a new SpeechSynthesizer for each synthesis. We recommend using object pool in service scenario. See our sample code for C# and Java....
Discover the rising costs of unplanned downtime and why a shift to real-time, remote support is crucial for businesses aiming to reduce machine downtime.
Learn about factor analysis - a simple way to condense the data in many variables into a just a few variables.
The idea of overall compression is to reduce the dynamic range of a complete mix, so the whole thing sounds that little bit louder and more impressive. However, strapping a compressor across the output of the desk and dialling in a suitable threshold and ratio will actually make it all quiet...
To optimize server configuration, you must iteratively identify and reduce bottlenecks until you meet your performance and scalability objectives. To achieve this, you need to understand server configuration settings and application tuning options.
governments employ a range of public policy incentives to encourage enterprise innovation. Diverging from direct R&D subsidies, tax cuts represent a more comprehensive policy instrument aimed at alleviating financial constraints (Bloom et al.2002). Specifically, tax cuts primarily aim to reduce the cost...