Make sure you’re signed in with the account that you want to redeem the code with. If you need to sign in with a different account, select the Gamertag picture on the left navigation bar, then select Sign out and sign in with the correct account; Select [Microsoft Store] from the lef...
You will need to register a free GOG account, or log into an existing one. At the top of the app’s window, while in the “Recent” view, click “+ Add games & friends” and “Redeem GOG code”. When prompted, enter your game code which can be found on the 'Orders' page of ...
Update: During the Beta, we announced that anyone that played would receive an exclusive PS4 dynamic theme free as a ‘thank you’ from the studio. That theme is now rolling out in the US. Follow the instructions below to redeem your dynamic theme: 1. Navigate to the PlayStation®Store...
If you didn't, you should be able to redeem the codes. kudo count Reply roberta591 Hero (Retired)12 years ago Is the game registered? Doe the game appear in Origin? If there is an icon for the pack what you need to do is uninstall the disc version and download and insta...
Laad een webbrowser en ga naar dit adres: Meld u aan met uw Microsoft-accountgegevens Vul uw unieke code in die wordt weergegeven op de pagina ”Bestelling” van en volg de aanwijzingen om deze te activeren. Maak u geen zorgen over koppel...
hey, I have a MacBook Air and I downloaded the sims 3 but I wanted to download the sims 3 seasons on to my MacBook , but I have previously downloaded the sims 3 seasons on my pc and I have stupidly lost the product code ☹️ is there a way to retrieve it...
In a web browser, head to: Register a new account or log in to the account where you would like to redeem your code Click the “Redeem a Code” button on the “Overview” page, enter your unique code that’s displayed on the ‘Order’ page of CDKeys....