When you get a hotel credit card, as your usage of the card increases, you'll receive many rewards. Learn how to redeem your hotel rewards today.
Redeem for travel For businesses who might like to apply their credit card rewards toward travel expenses, you may want to consider booking your travel through the Chase Ultimate Rewards portal. Points are worth 25% more when you redeem for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards. This means that...
How to redeem more rewards with points You can use your points for more than just flights. With More Rewards, Rapid Rewards Members can use their points for merchandise, hotel stays, gift cards, and more. Plus, Rapid Rewards Credit Cardmembers can redeem their points for exclusive Card...
23 Ways to Redeem Chase Ultimate Reward Points Best Uses of AMEX Transfer Partners 23 Ways to Redeem AMEX Membership Reward Points Key Takeaways Start planning as early as possible. If you find seat availability, don't hesitate. Be flexible with your plans for the best chances of snagging awa...
Chase introduced "Pay Yourself Back"last spring as a way to get good value from you points outside of travel. Pay Yourself Back allows cardholders to redeem points forstatement creditson eligible purchases and still benefit from the 25% to 50% value boost with certain cards. Essentially you ...
Redeeming IHG points for hotels almost always gives you a better value than redeeming them for stuff, other non-IHG travel or gift cards. So with that, here are six ways to redeem your IHG points, sorted from best to worst. ★ LIMITED TIME OFFER IHG's consumer credit cards have ...
If you want solid value from your Membership Rewards points, transferring them to partner hotel or airline loyalty programs is often your best bet. When you convert points into a hotel or airline currency, you can redeem them for free hotel nights and award flights that might otherwise be quit...
Even the most straightforward reward of them all — cash back — may require a decision: Do you want that as a direct deposit? Statement credit? Paper check? If your card offers miles or points, it can get even more complicated. You might be able to redeem directly for flights or ...
Cash back cards:These cards reward you with a percentage of the purchases you make on the card. Mostcash back cardsare either flat-rate, bonus category or tiered rewards cards. Here, we will examine how to redeem your rewards — whether cash back, points or miles — and how to get the...