Plastic pollution is a problem that has been growing at a meteoric pace. We are so used to using plastic in our everyday lives that we barely even take notice how wasteful we are. That, however, is a trend that can no longer continue to go unchecked. So what exactly is plastic pollution?
When we don't recycle, reuse and reduce,we destroy natural habitats. As it is, our earth cannot cope with the current rate of destruction. By failing to reuse what we already have, we'll end up in a sticky situation of running out of resources. Why do we reuse waste? Advantages of ...
We go to the supermarket at least once a week to fill up our fridges. If every time we go we use reusable bags (cloth, string or wicker) the health of our planet will improve. From now on remember to take yours when leaving the house. Recycle chewing gum... it's also make of pl...
An individually-wrapped power bar might be the most convenient flight snack, but the packaging is likely to end up in the landfill. Even if you find a place that can recycle your power bar wrappers, who wants to do that while they’re traveling? Instead, make your ownairplane snacksor bu...
away packaging, the fact remains: I already have it. The damage is done. I've been ignoring one of the most essential and difficult parts—reduce, reuse, recycle. Evenif I go out of my way to reuse the waste I do have, I need to reduce what I am bringing home in the first ...
Regardless of how tight the clip is, we recommend pushing open the clips of our stainless steel food containers with your meaty part of your thumb. Learning to open/close a Tupperware container may take a bit of practice and, in the case of small children, some basic instruction. The same...
Not only is the microwave likely to melt your plastic containers, but in doing so, it can release chemicals into your food. Check the bottom of your plastic container to see if it’s microwave safe. Go ahead and recycle scratched or worn plastic containers and cutting boards, since dings ...
There are many things you can do with these containers, and I'd love to hear more of your ideas for them in the comments.As much as possible, try to recycle your containers, to the extent that is possible, and they cannot be reused by someone else....
In addition, if you want to separate out various types of towels from one another inside your drawer you can keep some in a small shallow basket, similar to how a reader, Chelena, did it below. She said, "Here is my drawer. That's a Tupperware ice cube tray!" You might notice ...
It’s hard to avoid waste altogether, so take it home and recycle what you can. Leave the trail as you’d want to find it, spotless! That includes when you need to, shall we say, do your business. For that, take a trowel/dig a hole with a rock, and make sure that you cover ...