If you have other problems logging in to your account, the last resort is to contact Ubisoft. You can send an email to accountsupport@ubi.com and include all the details of your request to get a faster resolution. Conclusion Visit Ubisoft's Support page if you need more assistance with yo...
Ubisoft Connect (previously known as Uplay) is an online profile system for players of Ubisoft games. It is essentially an expansion of the Uplay service under a new name.Getting your Ubisoft Connect (Uplay)account suspendedor banned can stop you from playing your favorite games.To regain acc...
All you need to do is get the required key, copy it, and paste on the game when prompted and continue your session without any hassle. The two types of keys available are the main game key, which activates the main game, and the additional keys that the game may prompt. You can loca...
First of all, if you're itching to play your favorite PC games on your iPad, look no further than remote gaming apps. These handy apps allow you to stream and play your PC games directly on your iPad or iPhone, giving you the freedom to game on the go without needing a powerful gami...