Infidelity. You never thought it would happen in your marriage, but here it is. Feel like you are left to your own devices to recover from infidelity? Most of the experts agree that while marital affairs may not have a long shelf life but they leave a trail of damage, pain, and hearta...
When a couple is trying to recover from infidelity in marriage, they want to know how they can survive the aftermath. Spouses wonder, “Can our marriage survive after infidelity?”“What was the cause of infidelity” and “What’s the best advice for dealing with infidelity” among many othe...
" says K’Hara McKinney, a licensed marriage and family therapist. "Whenwe get into relationships, there is a level of risk involved that, as time moves forward, tends to feel less apparent—and we believe that we’ve done our due diligence to minimize risk as much as possible." So whe...
Are you having marriage problems? If so, you've come to the right place. We believe in saving marriages from divorce and are convinced that most marriage problems are solvable...even if your husband or wife doesn't agree! We specialize in helping people stop divorce and get their marriage ...
How do People Betray in Relationships? Understanding the Process of Infidelity in Dating RelationshipsParvati VarmaSaurabh Maheshwari
One spouse in the marriage may feel slighted and want to attend therapy to receive an apology or see their partner attempt to repair their connection. If both parties are willing, therapy may effectively repair the damage done after infidelity and rebuild trust. One-way spouses can work...
some people engage in relationship self-sabotage by "testing" their partners in different situations to "prove" their commitment, which can have the opposite of the intended effect. The fear of intimacy and a lack of confidence or trust in one's partner can also result from low self-worth....
Knowing how to survive your wife's affair is one of the hardest things you will ever face. Nothing blindsides a man more than the discovery of her infidelity.
It’s important to look at infidelity as the symptom of something that was missing in the marriage itself. If you can find what was missing in the marriage and fill that hole with what is needed in the first place infidelity will be easier to avoid going forward. ...
The good news is, many couples are able to survive infidelity and gain back the lost trust in marriage.Though recovering from infidelityand forgiving infidelity is not an easy process, if both spouses are committed to each other, they can do it together. ...