Raise Funds: Running for Senate can be expensive, and candidates must raise significant funds to support their campaigns. This includes developing a fundraising plan, soliciting donations from individuals and organizations, and complying with campaign finance regulations. The FEC sets limits on the amoun...
In addition to the lives lost to the disease, it has had devastating ef- fects on economies, societies, and healthcare sectors. In fact, most sectors were affected as the world started to close down, country by country, in the spring of 2020. While there is no doubt that COVID-19 ...
After all, they work for us. Are there proposed laws that you're concerned about? Let them know. Your note may be the first opposition that the legislator has heard. If our representatives only hear one side of an issue they are missing a lot. They need to hear more of our voices....
in the Senate by Democrats Dick Durbin and Arlen Specter. That bill is a hybrid between traditional public funding and small-dollar donations. Under this Fair Elections Now Act (which, by the way, is just about the dumbest moniker for the statute possible, at least if the sponsors hope to...
the fourth quarter hadn’t yet been counted. To put it another way, forced labor and prostitution among underage migrants more than tripled under President Biden, reaching record highs. And that only counted the handful who had escaped—not the thousands who were still held by the traffickers...
Initially, it appeared that the California Attorney General’s office might open a criminal investigation into the donations. But the investigation never moved forward; Noble was never interviewed in the case. As part of an agreement with the state, Adams and Noble were able to write off the ...
The Indiana Democrat said last month he had received donations from more than 76,000 individuals, exceeding the threshold to qualify for the first Democratic debate. Beto O’Rourke Former congressman and 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s campaign raised a record-breaking $6.1 million in...
But I would like to have an Internet Lawyer on retainer as a buffer against possible future problems. So we’ll see how the Lord provides for this possibility. In the mean time, those of you who have sent in donations or have clicked the Donate Button, please know that not only is ...
“drafted” new Texas resident Allen West for Senate in Florida. None of these candidates were remotely interested or associated with the effort, and in fact could not be by law. But there were signatures to collect and donations to request. (As a litigator, I rarely participated in the ...
Comcast Corp. and AT&T, Inc.—bear the company’s name. They must file reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that include the identity and contribution amount for all donors of