Doormats And Control Freaks: How to Recognize, Heal or End Codependent RelationshipsRebekah Lewis
Of course, it’s worth pointing out that you don’talwaysneed to be strong, and often in life, wedoneed to lean on other trusted people, but when you’re in acodependent friendshipor relationship, that need and codependency is unhealthy and can ultimately be crippling. If you want to le...
In codependent relationships, it may feel like there’s not enough love to go around —because there’s not. A codependent partner may make up for her own lack ofself-loveby attempting to fill her empty well strictly with her partner’s love. She may be hyper-vigilant, scouring for s...
If you’ve ever been in a relationship with someone emotionally unavailable, you know the pain of being unable to get close to the one you love. They’re evasive, make excuses or are just inept in talking about feelings or the relationship. Some use anger, criticism, or activities to crea...
Seeking validation from others is a common behavior and is acceptable on occasion. Yet if this behavior becomes a habit, it is crucial to recognize and acknowledge that you donotneed someone else’s approval to have high self-esteem or succeed. ...
fostering a sense of control and confidence. Recognize and celebrate the qualities that make you unique. Embrace your individuality, understanding that everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your distinctive qualities and accomplishments. Celebrating your ...
I’ve thought a lot about that day since, because it was the moment when I began to recognize where my view of rest, productivity, and my personal worth collided. All my father has ever known is work. This past year, he has suffered multiple heart attacks, and yet he still scoffs at...
Self-love is also important because if you do not have self-love and independence, you are relying on the relationship to work to fulfill your own needs. When this happens, you end up in a codependent relationship, which is unhealthy. You need to make sure that you are taking care of ...
“Having personal boundaries will cause my relationships to suffer” –If you are in a codependent relationship, creating boundaries will most certainly create uncomfortable waves of change. If your partner iscodependently entangledwith you, there’s a high chance that they will be shocked and will...
In some cases, the third person has acodependent relationshipwith the narcissist and enables their narcissistic abuse against others. Step 6: Remove yourself from the triangle Alternatively, you can choose not to participate in any three-way interaction with them and the narcissist. ...