So, what does it take to rebuild your marriage after an affair? To begin, it takes one hundred percent commitment to the process of healing your marriage, learning new skills and being patient enough to take things one day at a time. This might come as a surprise to you, but whether ...
The Trust Factor: How To Rebuild Trust In Your MarriageTony &Alisa DiLorenzo
many months or years, it is possible to rebuild a marriage that is good — even great. Amy and Josh can attest to this fact. They describe the difficult road they walked to recovery as being well worth the gift they have today within their marriage and their family. Remember, right now...
Infidelity is one of the worst things that can happen in a marriage. But can a marriage survive infidelity? And, if it can, the next question would be, how to survive infidelity when the cheating spouse has let go temporarily of their marriage vow, and has sought pleasure or even love o...
Try this: Be consistent and transparent with your actions and words. Share your thoughts and feelings openly, and follow through on promises. If trust has been broken, consider working with a counselor to rebuild it together. 4. Support ...
Perhaps, there were things you could have done differently to minimize the negative impact if not save the marriage.” While these insights cannot undo what you’ve gone through, they can help you steer clear of unhealthy patterns in future relationships. I am without a man by my side, and...
To rebuild trust in marriage, something has to change.What is it going to take to influence your spouse to believe your words, motives, and actions?You must both work together to set the direction of your relationship and identify a reasonable action plan that carries you both forward and to...
A back-to-back wedding and honeymoon can be two major blows to your savings. Instead of hopping on a plane right after your ceremony, consider giving your bank account some time to recover. Bysaving your honeymoonfor a later date, you’re not only allowing yourself to rebuild your savings...
Instead, work towardrebuilding the relationshipby doing the work required to build trust and rebuild a mutually supportive connection. Come to an agreement about what a healthy relationship looks like to you both. Some examples include establishing date nights; working on a five-year, ten-year, ...
“Try to educate yourself as much as possible about the financial and retirement aspects in your life and/or marriage,” Dufault says. “Life happens, and if you can educate yourself about the rights you have as a surviving spouse or divorced spouse, you will be better off in the long ...