For federal loans, the economic hardship deferment is made available in increments of up to one year in duration. Borrowers must reapply once a year, unless they are a Peace Corps volunteer. There is a 3-year limit on the economic hardship deferment. For private student loans, call your len...
Technically, you cannot "renew" a passport for a child younger than age 16. Instead, you must reapply using the same in-person process you went through to acquire their first passport. For a list of step-by-step instructions and required documentation for minors, see How to Get a U.S....
He said you would have to reapply there because it's a different Lifeline service.Whatever, screw you Assurance. That's some BS and you know it.He said only Unimax and ZTE Quest sorry buddy.So I go on with tech support to purchase the Unimax, after all it is slightly better than ...