“I actually was the hugest [sic] One Direction fan when I was younger,” she revealed to Capital FM, per Billboard.“This is sort of embarrassing, but I’m going to tell you anyway … I used to write One Direction fan fiction when I was in middle school.” Fun fact: 1D member N...
encourages the use of electronic statements and bill payment. This is beneficial to the organization because it saves them money, but it is also good for consumers because they have quick access to many years of their transaction statements securely stored online. If you haven’t already, conside...
Trending on Billboard “I have to push the album release date. I’m producing this album all myself and with that comes a lot of work, and in my opinion, the album is not perfect yet. However, it will still come out this year, and soon,” he said before following up with, “I...
Bill Shank, Vice President of North American Sales, IdaTech High Rate Ni-MH Battery for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Ni-MH battery can be used for electric vehicle applications but due to the high cost of Nickel and less energy density than the lithium ion battery therefore Ni-MH battery becomes ...
And Jack(John) Bogle seems like an excellent Senior Mustachian – I’m going to have to read this “Enough” book of his since it sounds like exactly my own philosophy. It is also nice to hear that Mr. Buffett agrees with me on the Index Funds, even while he is one of the very...
Trending on Billboard “I have to push the album release date. I’m producing this album all myself and with that comes a lot of work, and in my opinion, the album is not perfect yet. However, it will still come out this year, and soon,” he said before following up with, ...
Trending on Billboard “I have to push the album release date. I’m producing this album all myself and with that comes a lot of work, and in my opinion, the album is not perfect yet. However, it will still come out this year, and soon,” he said before following up with...
Update: Readthis great bookto get a deeper understanding A few years after writing this article, my friend JL Collins wrote a really entertainingandeducational book that teaches you just how simple stock investing (and money management in general) can be. The book was so good that I accepted...