What are the harms of gossiping and idle talk? Does it really undermine your productivity? Read this article to find out!
join us on Tajwedulquran.com to learn the educations of Holy Quran. We have well professionaly trained teachers 24 hours a day to teach the courses of Holy quran. Be a part of our Online Quran Teaching school to learn the Tajwed , Tafseer , Memorizations, Prayers and basic islamic cou...
Read the book “Getting the Best Out Of Hajj” by Abu Muneer Ismail Davids. He guides very well along every step – both before and during Hajj. Be careful not to be involved with shirk or incorrect practices. Remain with ‘ulama (scholars) who can explain the rituals correctly. Find a...
join us on Tajwedulquran.com to learn the educations of Holy Quran. We have well professionaly trained teachers 24 hours a day to teach the courses of Holy quran. Be a part of our Online Quran Teaching school to learn the Tajwed , Tafseer , Memorizations, Prayers and basic islamic cou...
of dunya and this makes us read a number of books at a time. Tafseer and a book on seerah should always be on the reading list of a Muslim (in addition to recitation of The Qur’an, of course). Some Islamic books, such as tafseers, are voluminous and may take months to complete....