however. Many people still love these Bible translations for sentimental reasons, but they aren’t the easiest translations to read when you’re still learning how to start reading the Bible for the first time!
The article presents tips on reading the Bible according to pastors and Bible scholars. Choose a regular time and quiet place for reading the Bible and try to read it daily. Reading the Contemporary English version of the Bible is recommended. Expect God to speak through the Bible and ...
In this week's episode, we read through the story of Jesus washing the disciples' feet in John 13. In this incredibly powerful chapter, Jesus gives us these living metaphors and these pictures because he wants us to have a new idea in our mind, a new understanding of what reality truly...
When it comes to getting more out of the Bible, how to understand the Bible for all it’s worth, how to read the Bible and gain a fuller and holistic understanding of Scripture, I think these suggestions can be very helpful. They’ve certainly helped me understand the Bible more effective...
I love to read the Bible because I want to learn about God. Lately, my desire to know God has increased significantly. I have a desire to know God better and more intimately than ever before. And Genesis 1 is a great place to meet God in all his glory, for here he is revealed as...
How To Read The Bible? How To Recover From Addiction? How To Rely On God? How To Resolve Conflicts? How To Say Yes To Jesus? How To Seek Wise Counsel? How To Set Boundaries? How To Share Encouragement? How To Share Love? How To Share The Gospel In 4 Minutes? How To Share Your ...
Avoid interrupting your plan, as a general rule, to ponder about an obscure thought to the neglect of much that could have been understood. Don’t allow discouragement to set in. Keep reading, and press on.I do not imply that the Bible should be read sloppily. We ought to devote ...
We never discussed whether or not we wanted to do this; it was just always done and never, to my knowledge, questioned. Reading material was chosen according to our ages. Often at the evening meal we read from a Bible storybook, but at least once a day we read short selections from ...
As a teenager I tried several times to read the Bible through in a whole year. The times when I kept that commitment to myself, I was more likely to skip days or forget about it. However, the times when I asked a friend to join me or to keep me accountable I was much m...
In this week's episode, we read through the story of Jesus washing the disciples' feet in John 13. In this incredibly powerful chapter, Jesus gives us these living metaphors and these pictures because he wants us to have a new idea in our mind, a new understanding of what reality truly...