Unfortunately, because we have to measure hardness of everything from rubber bands to diamonds, the scales we use for these measurements are anything but simple, with two common scales (Rockwell and Shore), which each have several subcategories, as well as some less common scales (Vickers, Lee...
For the internal temp sensor the output you are measuring is a voltage relative to the reference. There is some information in the datasheet on page 52 in section of the ADS124S08 datasheet. The Electrical Characteristics table states the typical voltage at 25 deg C is 129mV and ...
When you want to show the reader in detail how your independent and dependent variables interact, then a table (with data arranged in columns and rows) is your best choice. In a table, readers can look up exact values, compare those values between pairs or groups of related measurements (e...
Measurement paralysis: when leaders become overwhelmed by the complexity and context of developer productivity, resulting in a lack of metric measurements In addition to these challenges, teams and leaders may experience slower progress and other pitfalls when measuring productivity. These additional pitfall...
Once the items were completed she took them to the sampling unit to check the measurements against our spec. Everything looked fine and after some thorough QC we tried on the samples, approved them for grading and went on to discuss the future bulk production order. All in all, the whole...
In most cases, it comes from people who were aware of your brand and typed your website into their address bar to visit your site. These numbers will usually be lower than other traffic measurements, which is fine—what matters most is the change in direct traffic over time. An increase ...
Measuring your monitor should be your last resort, as you are likely to include errors in your measurements. Consider the Filter Type You’ll Attach To Your Computer Monitor When determining the size of your monitor, it is critical to keep the filter type you intend to use in mind. A fram...
Table snippets display data in a structured table format, making it easy to compare information such as prices, sizes, or measurements. Video Snippets Video snippets feature short video clips and often address how-to or action-based queries. ...
For interval measurements inside the code, I program the counters using the script, then use the RDPMC command to read them at the desired locations in the code. For the "uncore" counters there are three different interfaces used, depending on the processor model: Some ...
You don’t need to be a physicist or a real-estate broker to master numbers, but you do need to practise numbers in a way that makes them meaningful for you. Regular exposure to relevant numerical contexts, whether it’s pricing, measurements, or population figures, will improve your fluenc...