After opening the package file for read/write, the code creates a RunProperties object that contains a RunFonts object that has its Ascii property set to "Arial". RunProperties and RunFonts objects represent run properties (<rPr>) elements and run fonts elements (<rFont>), respectively, in...
The diagnosis of syphilis starts with a non-treponemal blood test. This includes the venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test and the rapid plasma reagin (RPR). Both detect antibodies that are produced by the body in response to damage caused by the infection.5 While non-treponemal tes... Træfɪk (pronounced like traffic) is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease. It supports several backends (Docker, Swarm, Kubernetes, Marathon, Mesos, Consul, Etcd, Zookeeper, BoltDB, Eureka, Amazon DynamoDB, Rest API, file...)...
Learn the importance of revenue per recipient (RPR)—and how to optimize your marketing strategy to boost this important metric. Read Email marketing Dec 11, 20249 steps to creating a resilient email marketing strategy Build a successful email campaign with these steps for an email strategy that...
Repeat purchase rate (RPR) is the percentage of customers who make a second purchase from your company. The formula is very simple: Repeat Purchase Rate = (R / C) x 100 R represents the number of return customers, while C represents the number of total customers. If you want to go eve...
"resolved": "", "integrity": "sha1-3F5pjL0HkmW8c+A3doGk5Og/YW4=" } } }, "@mrmlnc/readdir-enhanced": { "version": "2.2.1", "resolved": "
A good repeat purchase rate is dependent on the industry–if you sell high-price, long-lasting items, don’t expect your RPR to be as high as a brand that sells low-cost consumables. Having a high RPR indicates that you are providing a lot of value to your customers compared to the ...
Download the code sample named Word-Add-in-Get-Set-EditOpen-XML, which you can use as a tool to retrieve and test your markup.So is that all there is to it? Well, not quite. Yes, for many scenarios, you could use the full, flattened Office Open XML result you see wit...
This blog lead me to solution. Mby this helps for somebody. lagorsse commented Oct 17, 2018 Thanks @iradul, I went throught the sames step (some step are missing but it's still quite good) But on the last one it won't build, any idea? D:\AMD\ProRender\rprNetworkNext\go\src...
Which content control are you using, plain text or rich text?Based on the test, I am able to only one bullet for the plain text content control.And the richtext works well. Here is the figure fore your reference: Regards & Fei