rough guideline: 5-20 papers basic understanding of an area, 50-100 papers for a very good understaning How to read one paper: Take multiple passes Read title/abstract/figures Intro + conclusions + Figures, skim rest (skip related work) Read but skip/skim math Read the whole thing but ...
Learning to efficiently read a paper is a critical but rarely taught skill. Beginning graduate students, therefore, must learn on their own using trial and error. Students waste much effort in the process and are frequently driven to frus- tration. For many years I have used a simple approach...
Researchers must read papers for several reasons: to review papers for a conference or a class, to keep current in their field, or for a literature survey of a new field. A typical researcher will likely spend hundreds of hours every year reading papers. Learning to efficiently read a paper...
1. INTRODUCTION Researchers must read papers for several reasons: to review them for a conference or a class, to keep current in their field, or for a literature survey of a new field. A typical researcher will likely spend hundreds of hours every year reading papers. Learning to efficiently...
内容提示: 怎样高效的阅读文献(How to read the literature efficiently) [how] efficient reading of literature [pictures] Share, reprint, copy, address, log address: Please copy it with Ctrl+C and paste it to your friend. Zambrotta cancel praise. Reprinted from Zhang Peng on 2011, 08, 31, ...
How to write research papers efficientlyL., Radbriuch
so first thing I want to do is um give you advice on how when say when I'm trying to master a new body of literature how I go about that and hope that those techniques will be useful to help you be more efficient how you read research papers and then the second thing is in previ...
Although the ability to read scientific papers efficiently and critically is an essential skill for graduate students, it is rarely taught systematically. Thus, some students read papers from-the-beginning-to-the-end and word-by-word, which is laborious and unproductive. In this paper, I discuss...
怎样高效的阅读文献(Howtoreadtheliteratureefficiently) [how]efficientreadingofliterature[pictures] Share,reprint,copy,address,logaddress: PleasecopyitwithCtrl+Candpasteittoyourfriend. Zambrottacancelpraise. ReprintedfromZhangPengon2011,08,31,18:27read(2)review(0)classification:professionaltechnology Report:come...