In her incredibly poignant new book,Badass: Making Users Awesome, Kathy Sierra states thatexposure to high quantity, high quality examples of expertise is one of the two main factors that dictate how quickly and effectively people learn new skills. (The other is deliberate practice.) “The more...
Effective Use of Reading TechniquesReading techniques can help you read more quickly and effectively, whether youre reading for pleasure or work. Try the following techniques:1Preview ReadingPreview the text before reading it to get an understanding of the organization and main points.2ScanningSkim ...
演讲者讨论的第二个话题是How can we read effectively?演讲者认为要想成为高效的读者,要做到三点,其中第二点是有目的地阅读,根据听力原文可知,读者应该知道为何要提高阅读速度和针对不同的阅读任务采取不同的阅读方法,故答案为different reading tasks。5[考点] 本题考查重要细节。演讲者认为要成为高效的读者,第三...
So, what I'm gonna do now is I'm not gonna read every single word here and every single time, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna quickly read and look for to the specific information.所以,我现在要做的是,我不打算每次都逐个单词地看,我要做的是快速地阅读并寻找具体的信息。The specific...
This morning I’m going to discuss how to take notes effectively. As we all know, note-taking is difficult since spoken language is more diffuse than written language and its organization is not immediately apparent. In addition, spoken language is quickly gone, which makes analysis difficult. ...
How to Speed Read All speed reading techniques have one thing in common: you avoid pronouncing and "hearing" each word in your head as you read it, a process known as "sub-vocalization." Instead, you "skim" lines or groups of words, as you can understand words more quickly than you ...
There are various techniques that can be used toachieve this optimization or bypassingof the surface processing stage. These techniques can help the reader read more efficiently and effectively, allowing them to process and understand the material more quickly. Ultimately, the goal of these techniques...
Sometimes, it can be a pleasure to read slowly, taking the time to pause on an extraordinary sentence or revisiting a passage on a previous page. But this type of reading is a luxury. As we all know, we can often benefit from readi...
The average person reads around 250 words per minute, but it's possible tocover more than twicethat whilestill absorbing information effectively. 一般每个人每分钟大约能读250个单词,但是以两倍的速度阅读并且高效吸收信息,这也是可能的。 Being able to read quicklyhas its perks. ...
Going straight to conclusions and reading them without reading the entire text is also helpful.Break it downIf you can believe it, the secret to reading more quickly and effectively is to attempt to read less text. Those who struggle with dyslexia can have short attention spans and lose ...