ObjectiveTo examine the performance of the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) and the PHQ-9 in detecting current major depressive episode (MDE) in aging services care management clients who screen positive for cognitive impairment (CI).关键词: depression cognitive impairment screening aging servic...
In the sample with CI, the PHQ-9, using a cutoff of 10, had sensitivity=0.89, specificity=0.71, and AUC=0.85, compared with 0.85, 0.89, and 0.91, respectively, for those without CI.#Cognitive status should be considered when using the PHQ as a depression screener due to poorer ...
OBJECTIVES How GPs describe their patients who they did not identify as suffering from depression but who were classified as such by PHQ-9? What conclusions can be drawn with regard to how depression is dealt with and the illness model in use? METHOD GPs who took part in a screening study...
题目You don't have to be a superhero to help the environment. Even small, simple actions can add up to big change. People around the world will celebrate Earth Day on April 22. But anyone - including kids - can work to help the earth at any time. TFK (Time...
TheBLASTdatabases are required to run BLAST locally and to supportautomatic resolution of sequence identifiers. Documentation about these can be foundftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/README. These databases may be retrieved automatically with the update_blastdb.pl perl script, which is included...
The review summarizes logical steps that clinicians can take to contextualize elevated food addiction scores, even when the use of validated research instruments is not practical. Keywords: food addiction; eating disorder; dietary restraint; substance use disorder; posttraumatic stress disorder; trauma; ...
家庭搞笑,就知道儿子说不出好话 关注 赞 评论 女星张小斐驾车“几公里6次违章”? 交警:收到视频线索 依法处置完毕 #张小斐 #交警回应张小斐被曝驾车违章 中年儿子带妈妈坐玩具车,一圈一圈逛了很久,网友:果然爱意是不分年龄的 #这就是爱的力量 #妈妈 #社会百态 #我们的美好生活 面对冰冷河水,年过五旬的他脱下...
各位兄弟姐妹们,动动你们发财手,关注我这个抖音号,谢谢了 各位兄弟姐妹们,动动你们发财手,关注我这个抖音号,谢谢了 95 各位兄弟姐妹们.有惊喜告诉大家,抖爸爸看见我最近太熬夜了,给我特批一个月的假,叫我好好休息到国庆节回来上班,在这期间大家有什么好吃的,好玩的记得带上我.就那么美丽的约定了😄😄😄 ...
人物简介: 一、金兆霖担任职务:金兆霖目前担任郓城县兆林奶茶店法定代表人;二、金兆霖投资情况:目前金兆霖投资郓城县兆林奶茶店最终收益股份为0%;老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 更新时间:2024-09-18...
Depressive symptomswere assessed using the German version (Löwe et al.,2005) of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2; Kroenke et al.,2003). The items on the PHQ-2 inquire about the frequency of depressed mood (“feeling down, depressed or hopeless”) and anhedonia (“little interest ...