Since Wattpad doesn't offer an option to download their books, it’s not possible to read stories offline on the web. Reading Wattpad stories online will not allow you to take notes or highlights, edit the contents, print Wattpad stories, etc. It is not a pleasant reading experience. In ...
Wattpad (Free):The "YouTube for eBook" application is also available on Android smartphone for free and its current version 1.9.5 allows offline reading by downloading all the parts of your chosen book plus an added fix for keypad navigation. The service gives you access to more than 100,00...
The Wattpad, an app that lets users read online stories and write them. According to Sensor Tower, Wattpad has more than a million downloads, earning $800k in revenue. The main method through which the app earns money is by selling stories to readers. The app strategically hooks the users...
A few of the things I wanted to say were being misunderstood and I was able to make corrections before my book came out. I also was able to cut whole sections that were not connecting with readers. Other sections I thought would be boring turned out to be incredibly popular,like the cha...