If you are using a DMM, you'll find it easier to understand the readout. It will be in ohms, K ohms or M ohms. If you have set the scale where the upper end of the range is below the resistor value, you will see either a flashing display or sometimes OL for "over limit." Tu...
If you are using a DMM, you'll find it easier to understand the readout. It will be in ohms, K ohms or M ohms. If you have set the scale where the upper end of the range is below the resistor value, you will see either a flashing display or sometimes OL for "over limit." Tu...
In this example we’re going to measure the voltage of a 1.5V battery. You know that you’ll have approximately 1.5V. So, you should select a range with the selection knob that can read the 1.5V. So you should select 2V in the case of this multimeter. If you have an autorange mul...
to. This port allows the measurement of current (up to 200mA), voltage (V), and resistance (Ω). The probes have abananatype connector on the end that plugs into the multimeter. Any probe with a banana plug will work with this meter. This allows for differenttypes of probesto be ...
Switch the volt ohmmeter on and to the ohms position on the front selector switch. Place the red lead into the "ohm" connector and the black lead into the "common." Touch the two leads together. The meter short read 0 ohms or a direct short. ...
Learn to read 2-digit capacitors. Ceramic disc capacitors are often labeled with just two numbers. if the value is less than one, these capacitors are generally measured in microfarads. If the value is more than one, it indicates a value in picofarads. For example, a capacitor that reads...
Go to Step 2 or review more details just below What is the Proper Function Selection When Using a VOM or DMM to measure Voltage? The Function setting on a VOM or DMM is usually a dial that selects among the basic functions of the instrument: measurements of Volts, Ohms, Amps or on oc...
Public domain image © vietnguyenbui on Pixabay A Beginner's Guide to Electricity This guide for consumers and students explains all about volts, amps and watts and how they apply to home appliances and circuits. The equations are really quite simple, and you'll find some examples on how ...
Set the “Range Switch” to desiredOhmsposition. If the resistor to be measured is connected to a circuit then TURN OFF POWER and discharge allcapacitorsbefore measurement. Connect probes to circuit being measured. Readresistancevalue on display. ...
The difference between an analog multimeter and a digital multimeter comes down to the display and what they measure. An analog multimeter measures voltage (volts), resistance (ohms), and current (amps). The dial on the display (which looks like a VU meter) reacts with magnetic fields create...