How to Read NMR Spectra of Organic Compounds from Chapter 2 / Lesson 2 27K This lesson describes how to read and interpret proton NMR spectra of organic compounds, including peak splitting, the meaning of chemical shift due to deshielding, as well as peak integration. Related...
Therefore; in regards to what we are learning, I have been through and weneed to learn to detect and shield from... feel free to critique this instructable as I am considering this a work in progress that I am most likely going to break into easier to comprehend separate instructables in...
6. Use low resolution or cryptic graphs. An extension of the previous technique is to use graphs which are not obvious (for example, pixelated and difficult to read, or coloured spots on a dark background) to illustrate the results obtained, without a proper key or explanation about what th...
• be reasonably short (less than 15 A4 sides including graphs and tables). • deal with subject matter which is as close as possible to your own topic and the kind of research you are doing. • have clearly defi ned Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion/ Conclusion sections...