Read more... Exciton: An Introduction Excitons are quasi-particles made up of bound electron and hole pairs. Having a clear understanding of exciton theory is essential in order to understand semiconductor behaviour. Exitonic behaviour can be examined using various spectroscopy techniques, including an...
Organic molecules can reach huge sizes. Sometimes it is necessary to describe the whole molecule but not to draw every single atom and chemical bond in full. Organic molecules are often represented by skeletal formulae (i.e. only their skeletal structures) in cases of molecules beyond a certain...
Now that you've completed your project, the time has come to admire the sheer brilliance that is your finished 3D cell model. If you chose to make an edible cell model, it might also be time to break out the forks and spoons (after your teacher has had time to grade it, of course)...
Increasing the net charge per residue destabilizes phase separation while also weakening the strong coupling between single-chain contraction in dilute phases and multichain interactions that give rise to phase separation. Finally, glycine and serine residues act as non-equivalent spacers, and thus ...
Cooperative binding of T cell receptor and CD4 to peptide-MHC enhances antigen sensitivity Article Open access 17 November 2022 Temporal analysis of T-cell receptor-imposed forces via quantitative single molecule FRET measurements Article Open access 04 May 2021 Introduction...
Here the Wolfram calculation:*+50+liters)/(297Kelvin+*+boltzmann+constant)+*+mass+of+CO2+molecule I hope it works as intended. I'm using a different approach to the one you used there and got a different result too. Using the ideal ...
Use the following DNA molecule to illustrate each stage. 3' TACTAG In how many overall directions does DNA replication occur? What proteins are crucial for creating and maintaining DNA replication forks? a. Helicase creates the replication fork; ligase keeps the single strands ...
represent hydrogen atoms. In (b), a representation of a water molecule’s molecular formula is presented. The letter “H” symbolically refers to the hydrogen atom, the number “2” refers to the number of hydrogen atoms in the molecule, and the letter “O” symbolically refers to the oxyg...
Figure 5. A schematic representation of the photo-physical processes, the Jablonski diagram for an organic molecule. It is a convention to represent the radiative transitions by straight arrows, ⟶, and the non-radiative ones by ⇝. k S T is the rate constant for the non-radiative inter...
When electrically stimulated, a pseudo molecule (dimer) is produced. When lased, the dimer produces light in the ultraviolet range. Dye Lasers Dye lasers use complex organic dyes, such as rhodamine 6G, in liquid solution or suspension as lasing media. They are tunable over a broad range of ...