This is far from an exhaustive list of all codes used in METARs but it should take you pretty far in decoding this most important ones. For those of you that have made it this far, you might enjoy further reading at thisguide to decoding METAR. That also includes the full table for d...
【模飞知识】Decoding METARs and TAFs - How to Read a METAR and TAF 06:32 【模飞知识】Flying a Traffic Pattern - How to Land an Airplane 06:12 【模飞知识】How to Fly Chandelles - Commercial Pilot Maneuvers 07:34 【模飞知识】Soft Field Landings - Private Pilot Checkride Technique...
This is far from an exhaustive list of all codes used in METARs but it should take you pretty far in decoding this most important ones. For those of you that have made it this far, you might enjoy further reading at thisguide to decoding METAR. That also includes the full table for d...