To translate messages on Discord, you can use translation bots like TranslatorBot for simple, command-based translations without modifying settings. Alternatively, the BetterDiscord plugin allows advanced features for translating incoming and outgoing messages. Note that BetterDiscord is a third-party tool ...
Therefore, if you are seeing “Messages Failed To Load” in Discord, you should check whether its servers are functional. You can do that via websites like Downdetector. Fix 4. Reset your internet connection Fix it now! To repair damaged system, you will have a 24hr Free Trial and the ...
Use copy and paste to export Discord chat messages One way we believe users can easily export messages in a Discord chat is to use the copy-and-paste function. It is not ideal, but it does work and all you’ll need is a text program such as Word, Notepad, or even OneNote to store...
To clear Discord chat on a voice channel, you would also need to do it manually. **You can also delete all the messages from a Discord channel even if you are not the server owner as long as you havethe same permissionswe discussed earlier. Frequently Asked Questions: Does Discord delete...
However, if it is working and you still face an issue, move to the next fix. Solution No. 4 – Mark Discord Messages as Read Users can fix the “Chat not loading” error on Discord using this trick. To mark Discord Messages as read, right-click on a channel and select Mark As ...
Also Read:What happens when you remove a friend on Discord Why Can’t I React to Discord Messages In some cases, the server or channel settings may have disabled reactions. The server owner or administrators can turn on or off reactions for specific channels or the entire server. ...
Forwarding messages on Discord is simple. Follow these steps: Select the Message: To forward a message, start by hovering over the message you want to share. On Android or iPhone, long press the message to select it. You will know it’s selected when it is highlighted and shows additional...
When someone you don’t know on aDiscord serversends you a message, Discord may not allow this message through to your direct messages. Instead, it may filter the message and send it to your Message Requests folder. You then have the option to accept the direct message and read it or ig...
How to Pin Messages in Discord To start, find a message that you wish to pin in a channel message on your server. Once you’ve located a message to pin, hover over the message until thethree-dots iconappears in the upper-right corner of the message. ...
Marking messages as read in the channel or server is another helpful fix for stuck messages. It has a good chance of loading messages that failed to deliver for some reason. Follow these steps to mark messages as read: Launch Discord. ...