However, be sure to have aBIR TINas it is important in paying taxes; and it’s not just if you have a business or are employed – likeincome taxor percentage tax. To name a few, there are Estate tax (when someone has died and estates are given to the heirs), VAT or Value Added ...
And neither I nor you are responsible for fixed elections, brainwashing manipulative media, the satanic practices of those in Washington D.C., in all the world’s Masonic Lodges, nor are we responsible for the Bank of England’s machinations down throught the years. Nor are we responsible fo...
The task of the educated mind is simply put: read to lead. — Marcus Tullius Cicero 163 Teach us, Good Lord, to give and not count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labor and not to ask for any reward save that of knowing ...
church militant—also begun, founder michael voris tells me, to provide an orthodox counter to pop-culture fare like the da vinci code —transitioned too, coming to declare itself the home of “the red-pilled laity” who were abandoning the “church of nice parishes” for the rawer meat ...
RAMRoyal Ark Mariners(Masonic) RAMRestricted Ability to Maneuver(ships) RAMReading Acceleration Machine RAMRevenu Annuel Moyen(French: Average Annual Income) RAMRemote Access Multiplexer(Pulsecom) RAMRestricted Access Management(fishing program)
If the zionist/Masonic influence was as powerful as Sheikh says it is, then it would make sense that even the “right” would think as you do. It would be proof of their power. Something to think about. Read Father Fahey and then make your points. He is very convincing and his inform...
For example, a non Jew may be sentenced to death summarily by one judge (no jury) and on the basis of one, male witness (who can even be a relative). This was the model for the Jacobin Committees of Public Saftety instituted during the Terror of the Masonic French Revolution) A Jew,...
RAMRoyal Ark Mariners(Masonic) RAMRestricted Ability to Maneuver(ships) RAMReading Acceleration Machine RAMRevenu Annuel Moyen(French: Average Annual Income) RAMRemote Access Multiplexer(Pulsecom) RAMRestricted Access Management(fishing program)
RAMRoyal Ark Mariners(Masonic) RAMRestricted Ability to Maneuver(ships) RAMReading Acceleration Machine RAMRevenu Annuel Moyen(French: Average Annual Income) RAMRemote Access Multiplexer(Pulsecom) RAMRestricted Access Management(fishing program)
RAMRoyal Ark Mariners(Masonic) RAMRestricted Ability to Maneuver(ships) RAMReading Acceleration Machine RAMRevenu Annuel Moyen(French: Average Annual Income) RAMRemote Access Multiplexer(Pulsecom) RAMRestricted Access Management(fishing program)