An input is read from the user withreadLine. At this moment, we have assigned a value to theinputvariable. Kotlin properties Variables created in a class are properties. The read-only variables have default accessors and mutable variables accessors and mutators. KotlinProperties.kt package com.z...
We will initially declare an input field with a defined value for this example. Also, the input element will jump to perform the functionclearF(this)as soon the cursor will point or focus in the input box. If the function’s condition is served, it will remove the value, and thus the...
How to read files from assets on Android using Kotlin - This example demonstrates how to read files from assets on Android using Kotlin.Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File? New Project and fill all required details to create a
Declare and Initialize Array in Kotlin With arrayOfNulls() FunctionThe arrayofNulls() function will declare the mentioned size and type array and fill it with null values.We will use the arrayofNulls() function to create an array of size 3 and null values in the code below....
In this tutorial, we will see a comparison of how you can use data classes in Kotlin to reduce a lot of code into merely a couple of lines with comparison examples from popular programming languages like Java. =>Read ALL Our Kotlin Tutorials Here ...
packageone;funmain(args:Array<String>){println("Welcome to my domain its the third example that related to the kotlin arrayList")val lst:ArrayList<String>=ArrayList<String>(10)lst.add("your first input is TV")lst.add("your second input is Fridge")lst.add("your third input is Washing ma...
We need to get the application's Client ID and Client secret. Our chatbot will use them to get a Space access token. When a user types anything in the chatbot channel, Space sends the user input to the application. So, our next step is to specify the URL of our application endpoint ...
How does const work in Kotlin? The const is one of the keywords, and it is used to declare the values on the kotlin language. It means once we declared the values, it does not change; it accepts only the read-value access. In kotlin, if we want to create the local constants and ...
First, we’ll learn how to load a file from the classpath, a URL, or from a JAR file using standard Java classes. Second, we’ll see how to read the content with BufferedReader, Scanner, StreamTokenizer, DataInputStream, SequenceInputStream, and FileChannel. We will also discuss how ...
If you enter this challenge, you may learn something new, get to inspire others, and take pride in seeing your name listed in the scoreboard above. Rumor has it that the winner may receive a unique 1️⃣🐝🏎️ t-shirt, too! FAQ Q: Can I use Kotlin or other JVM languages ot...