Although common sense might tell you to drink a gallon of water, it's actually recommended not to overhydrate to because this could dilute your hCG levels (so wait until you actually have to go pee). You’ll typically get the most accurate results when testing your first-morning urine sinc...
Are you pregnant? Know when and how to take a pregnancy test and understand your results. See what to do next after taking a pregnancy test.
You will hold a section of your fat between your fingers so that the area you are planning to inject is a little more firm. Stick the needle STRAIGHT in. Once the needle is in, you can relax your fingers on your skin, then push the plunger down to push the hCG into your system. I...
In addition, they are to use HCG injections or supplementation, such as HCG drops or pellets. Numerous people continue to ask “Does HCG really work?” While there are many differences in opinion, men and women have experienced positive results with the HCG diet protocol. Benefits of HCG for...
So you want to know the real answer to “How do I increase my sex drive?” Read on! Tell Me How to Increase Sex Drive and Low Energy Low Testosteroneis a serious and debilitating medical condition. We will tell you how to increasesex driveand how to increase low energy levels withinjec...
2023 Update:The U.S. Pharmacy that Diet Doc uses has a special stabilizer they use & process for compounding their HCG so that they can ship you PRE-MIXED HCG so that it will maintain it’s potency, even though it’s already mixed, for up to 6 months in the fridge un-used, and ...
Once you get the shot, the doctor will check your hCG levels during follow-up appointments. If your levels don't drop after the first dose, you might need a second dose of the same medication. You'll need to follow up until your blood no longer has hCG. ...
Most healthcare providers recommend that you wait until you miss your period before taking a pregnancy test. Typically,implantation occurs around five days after fertilization, and then it takes time for hCG, the hormone your body secretes while pregnant, to build in your system to a high enough...
Are you trying to figure out whether you're pregnant or not? Find out now how to take a pregnancy test and interpret the results now!
HCG Blood and Urine Tests:Because pregnancy tests are highly sensitive and accurate, women who get negative results on a pregnancy test are advised to retake the test one week after if they don't still have their period. Ultrasound:An ultrasound may be given to determine whether the fetus ha...