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Ancestral Quest, My Family Tree, and others — both read and write to the GEDCOM standard, although most of those tools also have their own proprietary formats. Depending on the GEDCOM version and the version of any given genealogy software program, you might encounter some standards problems ...
So I have the NMR (I think H-NMR??) of my unknown. Looks like this: So how do I read this to explain how I know that my compound is 1-pentyne? Logged toadesque Regular Member Posts: 82 Mole Snacks: +1/-0 Re: Forgot how to interpret NMR ...
In compound C, we have marked different types of H-atoms with a,b,c, and d. The substituents in brown and red colored bolls are denoted by Br and O. ... Learn more about this topic: How to Read NMR Spectra of Organic Compounds ...
It looks like it's chloroaniline, since it has aromatic peaks and the same MW, except that it doesn't have a peak at around 4 ppm. I was thinking N-chloroaniline, but for some reason there are no H peaks on nitrogen, so I'm not entirely sure. Am I on the right track to figurin...
X-ray structure is preferable to an NMR structure high resolution X-ray structure ( less than 2.1A ) is much better than, say 2.5A . watch out forhigh-B-factorregions and avoid them; sometimes crystallographers deposit fantasy coordinates with high-B-factors. Use: ...
SCARED!: How To Draw Fantastic Horror Comic Characters.Reviews the book "SCARED!: How To Draw Fantastic Horror Comic Characters," by Steve Miller and Brian Baugh.EBSCO_bspLibrary Journal
Learn more about this topic: NMR Spectroscopy Meaning & Types from Chapter 17/ Lesson 2 5.7K NMR spectroscopy technology will be explained. Learn how NMR spectroscopy works, how to read an NMR spectrum, and learn about the reasons for NMR analysis....
Whether you miss the good old days of Telnet or you want to know what hacking was like when security was nothing but an afterthought, Telehack is the game for you. The text-based hacking game is a simulation of a stylized combination of ARPANET and Usene