Select the "graph" or "plot" function of your calculator. Observe that two graphs, one of the parabola and one of the line, are graphed on the display. Note that the line and the parabola intersect at the points (0,0) and (1,1). Write down that the solution set of the two equat...
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Upper graphs report the DPV responses recorded in a solution containing 0.1 mM HQ in PBS at a fixed SP of 0.005 V and at increasing values of a PP from 0.010 to 0.140 V (MT = 0.10 s, IT = 0.50 s); b MT from 0.01 to 0.12 s (PP = 0.050 V, IT = 0.50 s)...
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3. Graphs ofy = a sin(bx + c)andy = a cos(bx + c) What I've done so far Read other examples, tried substituting Re: How to obtain 0.84? Newton19 Dec 2015, 18:33 Hello L. Aureli The0.84\displaystyle{0.84}0.84comes from substitutingx=0\displaystyle{x}={0}x=0intoy=sin(2x...
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