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Artwork: John Hetrick's original airbag design from 1953, which I've colored to make it easier to follow. There are three separate drawings here, showing the main mechanism (occupying most of the picture), a driver's perspective view of the steering wheel (bottom right), and a view of ...
To Engineer Is Human, Henry Petroski. Petroski led the wave of interest in design for an entire generation with this book, which was a staple in intro to engineering or engineering history classes in the 80s and 90s (where I first read it). This book is among his most famous. Each chap...
Based on her own sweeping research, an award-winning Oxford history professor overturns the way the West thinks about itself, tracing its innovations and traditions to societies from all over the world and making the case that we are, and always have been, a truly global culture。 I...
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