(2) a diagnosis of L5-S1 developmental spondylolisthesis according to Marchetti-Bartolozzi’s criteria: some degree of congenital abnormality (dysplasia) of the posterior elements at the involved segments [1]; (3) availability of preoperative and postoperative standing whole-spine x-ray images; and...
Frailty is a new concept in rheumatology that can help identify people more likely to have less favorable outcomes. Sarcopenia and inflammaging can be rega
Appropriateness of performing spine and pelvic radiographs in patients with axPsA without axial symptomology could be debatable because X-ray does not always detect sacroiliac involvement; there are no international recommendations in this context, and also because of the exposure to ionizing radiation....
You might also want to read Back Mechanic, which describes ways to diagnose your particular back pain, learn movement patterns that avoid aggravating your pain points, and exercise to enable proper muscle support. How exactly do you get back pain? Your spine is made up of bones (vertebrae) ...
to several anatomies. However, other surgical robots have entered niche “organ” markets like neurosurgery and orthopedics, e.g., the ROSA brain and knee robots (Zimmer Biomet, Warsaw (IN), USA), the Mazor X spine robot (Medtronic, Dublin, Ireland), the Mako knee surgery assistant (...
(A) CT scan, (B) STIR MRI, and (C) X-ray, illustrating the intervention implemented following STIR MRI. 3.5.3. Case 3: Conversion from Conservative to Surgical Treatment In another instance, the CT scan failed to detect any fresh fracture at L.III, but the MRI later identified a ...
All patients referred to the spine centre received conventional radiographic imaging (X-ray) of the spinal region for which they were referred. Of the 1008 patient subgroup, 682 (67.7%) received additional imaging diagnostics. Of these patients, 638 (93.5%) received an MRI scan, and 113 (16.6...
Figure 1.Robotic workflow. (A) Mounting of the robotic arm; (B) Sterile draping; (C) Posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) Schanz screw anchor; (D,E) Topographical scan of the surgical field; (F) C-arm capturing anteroposterior (AP) and lateral X-ray images of the targeted spinal level...
The expansion of nanomedicine has seen the rise of radionanomedicine, which consists of using radionuclides conjugated to nanomaterials for both diagnosis and therapy purposes [22]. An example is nanoparticles of 198 Gold (198Au). The radioactive properties of198Au such the beta ray of 0.96 MeV...
“Most of them were on the lower legs and ankles. One on the left wrist and there’s a set of them on the lower back around the cervical spine,” Deter-Wolf said. “They’re lines that are in some cases crossed but more often parallel to one another. They range from two (lines)...