When you surf the web and run across an issue with loading websites, the advice you’ll hear most is to try to clear your browser cache and delete cookies. Most computer users are familiar with these terms. However, not everybody knows what exactly cached data and cookies are and why yo...
Step 1: Locate the webpage— Whether you already have the URL on hand or discover the address through a quick search, locate the webpage you wish to view a cached version thereof. As previously mentioned, not all websites offer cached pages, but most offer some cached version of the page...
Another method for viewing cached pages is to use the address bar in your browser. Copy the URL into the address bar as normal, but then type “cache:” at the very beginning. So, if you wanted to visit the most recent cache for webfx.com, you’d type “cache:webfx.com.” This ...
4 Reasons to Use Google’s Cached Website Feature You might be wondering, “Why would I want to view old versions of webpages? Isn’t this just for Google to crawl sites, index them, and find errors?” Well, that’s true, but there’s much more to it than that. There are several...
For example, SiteGround’s CDN Always Online mode keeps your pages accessible in case of an outage. If the main server goes down visitors can still have a seamless experience on your website. How to Clear Cache Old cached data can cause websites to load outdated content. Clearing all ...
If you click on it, you will see a pop-up window with the Cached hyperlink. You can view the cached pages and a snapshot of the date they were made. How to view Google cached pages? There is an easy way to see cached web pages – the older versions of each page. All you ...
I am trying to open a web application in MS Edge in IE compatibility mode. Everytime I launch the application, a popup comes saying "The webpage you are viewing is trying to close the tab. Do you want to close this tab?" Application works fine after clicking "Yes...
How do you find all pages existing on a website? The first idea that comes to mind is to google the site’s domain name. But what about URLs that fail to get indexed? Or orphan pages? Or web cache? Finding all the pages on a website is pretty easy; however, it requires some...
Simply go toSettings » WP Super Cachein your WordPress dashboard, and then click the ‘Delete Cache’ button in the ‘Delete Cached Pages’ section. Now, WP Super Cache will delete all of the cached files from your website. Clear Cache in W3 Total Cache ...
Search engines cache content when indexing websites, so by accessing it, you can see a snapshot of what Google saw the last time it crawled the site. Many main webpages are cached daily, but older articles that aren't updated sit unchanged in the cache folder. You can access Google Cac...