A blood test – sometimes referred to as a blood panel – is alaboratory examination of a blood sampleused to check for a variety of things, including the functioning of certain organs (such as the liver, kidneys,thyroidand heart), infections and certain genetic disorders, as well as to as...
As I stated above, reading a blood test is one thing, interpreting the results is another. For example, the reader will note my total cholesterol (and triglycerides) were above what is considered normal, presenting a possible increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, I had not ...
Anemiais a condition involving reduced blood capacity to transport oxygen. This results from either lower than normal levels ofred blood cellsor a decrease in the quantity or quality of hemoglobin, the protein that allows these cells to transport oxygen. Acomplete blood count panelmeasures various ...
When the battery is using too much of its own juice and depleting itself without getting refilled by the charging system, then these gauges or warning lights should alert you to the problem. While many of us strive to lower our blood pressure, we should never strive to have low oil ...
A complete blood count CBC panel to measure white blood cells (WBCs) WBCs play an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system, searching the blood for invading viruses, bacteria, and fungi. When a foreign virus or bacteria enters your bloodstream, the white blood cell, or leukocyt...
Excel Your community for how-to discussions and sharing best practices on Microsoft Excel. If you’re looking for technical support, please visitMicrosoft Support Community. Forum Discussion
Read More Showing 6 of 40 articles See More Posts Find the best DNA test for your pet. When it comes to the health and happiness of your dog, there’s always more to know. Wisdom Panel™ simplifies the science so you can care smarter. That’s why we’re the pet DNA service most...
I’ll go into detail about why each thyroid test is important below, but I do recommend getting a full thyroid panel done so that you have all of the information necessary to take charge of your health.[1] Please be sure to review the bottom section of this article about lifestyle, med...
Figure 1. Each side of a two-sided hemocytometer is etched with nine major (1 mm) squares, and each square corresponds to a 0.1 μl volume. For most cell lines, count in the corner squares, but smaller cells such as red blood cells may be counted in the center square using a higher...
100% safe, affordable and private way to test you against STD diseases. Men and women have same type access just may have to give different samples, like urine, blood, and swabbing either the inside of the penis, vagina, or anus but the things of testing would be same for men and ...