According to Wikipedia (linked above), “Dearg-due, an Irish name meaning ‘red bloodsucker,’ is a female demon that seduces men and then drains them of their blood.”“The film follows a group of twenty something social media influencers who spend a weekend at a remote contemporary house...
one test commonly used todiagnose anemiarequires blood to be collected in a chemical that prevents the blood from clotting. Patients being evaluated for aclotting disorder, on the other hand, often have their blood collected in a tube containing another ...
Due to conventional guidelines, most primary care doctors simply test one’s TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and T4 levels (the amount of the T4 thyroid hormone circulating in your blood), to screen for hypothyroidism. However, these tests are not always interpreted correctly, don’t differentia...
Within the blood are also numerous molecules formed as byproducts of normal biochemical functions. When these molecules indicate how your cells areresponding to disease, injury or stress, scientists often refer to them asbiological markers, or biomarkers. Thus, biomarkers in a blood sample can repre...
Blood glucose test:By measuring a sugar in your blood called glucose, ablood glucose testcan see whether you may have diabetes or certain other medical conditions. Some blood glucose tests don't require you to fast, but others do. If you're asked to fast, it will usually be for at leas...
Blood samples play a critical role in diagnosis, with the NHS revealing roughly 95% of clinical pathways depend on pathology services. Click to read more...
(i.e., blood), oral biofluids, such as saliva, hold a lot of potential for diagnostic testing. Saliva collection is minimally invasive, safe, and can be done quickly and in a variety of settings, giving it a big upper hand over (often) painful blood draws, which need to be done i...
Also, these reference range numbers only apply to the U.S. – other countries may measure labs differently.** TRIGLYCERIDES Normal range: <150 mg/dL; Borderline high: 150–199, High: 200-499, Very high: >500 Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood; the level of triglyceride...
Advances in forensics are giving us an unprecedented ability to solve cases—and exposing mistakes in some investigations.
How to heal a leaky blood-brain barrier naturally using nootropic supplements. Heal a leaky gut and leaky brain.