昨晚读完了Harold Bloom的How to Read and Why,很惭愧里面有许些大部头的名著没有读过,但并不影响沉浸于这本书的极佳心流体验。 书中提到了两种读书能提供的体验,一种是“作为知识性的吸取”,另一种是“作为启迪”,能提供前一种体验的好书很多,但能提供后一种体验的书,... (展开) 3 0回应 > 更多书...
喜欢这本书的人也喜欢 打开App查看更多 The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing Merriam-Webster's Visual Dictionary Longman English Grammar Beowulf 书评 打开App写书评 [已注销] 2018-12-11 20:21:15 摘抄 ## 章节:Introduction How’d He Do That? > Literature has its grammar, too. >...
“Beowulf,” the first English epic, is written in Anglo-Saxon. As a language, Anglo-Saxon is very similar to modern German and Icelandic. Thankfully, there are many available translations of Anglo-Saxon poetry, so there is no need to learn how to read or write the language. To write ...
In 2007, film Beowulf was produced. Middle English Literature It refers to literature of the years 1100—1500, written in Latin, French, and London dialect (middle English). 1066年的诺曼征服打通了英国和欧洲之间的通道,文化融合和交流得以顺利进行,就中古英国文学而言,十二、十三世纪英国最发达的是拉丁...
In 2007, film Beowulf was produced. Middle English Literature It refers to literature of the years 1100—1500, written in Latin, French, and London dialect (middle English). 1066年的诺曼征服打通了英国和欧洲之间的通道,文化融合和交流得以顺利进行,就中古英国文学而言,十二、十三世纪英国最发达的是拉丁...
Examples:(1)PulpFiction,Ezekiel25:17,(2)“DavidandGoliath”vs.Beowulf(3)Beloved,(4)PulpFictionparody(justforfun)Fairytales HanselandGretel:lostchildrentryingtofindtheirwayhome PeterPan:refusingtogrowup,lostboys,agirl-nurturer LittleRedRidingHood:SeeVampiresAliceinWonderland,TheWizardofOz:enteringaworld...
As a memory expert, I value your privacy, and to provide you the best experience, my site uses cookies. By continuing to learn from the site, you agree to this use. For more information, click "Learn More" to read the Cookie Policy.Learn more DeclineAccept✕...
To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells! “Phenomenal Woman” by Maya Angelou: Chiasmus I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me. “Beowulf” by Unknown Author: Kenning ‘Twas bright within as when from the sky there shines unclouded ...
Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics How to Read the Silmarillion Reading Tolkien to kids Share this: Facebook X Like this: Loading... About Marc Gunn View all posts by Marc Gunn» Post navigation «#176: September Reels Less Than One Month Left to Save for Your Celtic Invasi...
Read about Beowulf fighting the dragon in the Old English epic poem. Learn how Beowulf killed the dragon and the result of Beowulf's battle with the dragon. Related to this Question What is the heroic code in Beowulf? What are some examples of the heroic code in Beowulf?