I realize this is just a question of how arXiv chooses to format their autogenerated bibtex entries, but given how prevalent these are, I wonder if there is some recommendation people have for the 'right' way to cite eprints (since they have DOIs now, should I not even want to include...
How to master a body of literature around your target topic compile list of papers(include arXiv/medium/posts) skip around the list: start form 5 papers read 10% of each papers decide a seminal one and read/understand it to 100% find the 6th paper in the references loop until master a...
如何搜索和阅读一篇论文 (How to Search&Read a Paper) Motivation 看着一帮一帮的硕士师弟入学,开题,答辩和毕业。感觉到自己渐渐向老古董靠拢(老古董现已博士毕业)。一次偶然的机会,发现一部分师弟到写毕业论文时都不会查论文,对于学校的电子资源更是知之甚少。顿时感到无比心疼,送上搜索文献一文,希望对你们少走...
Probably yes, because the goal is to make it easier for humans to use AI systems. Perhaps in the future, messy voice prompts could be enough to create whatever crosses your mind. Heck, we may even develop AI that can read your mind in real time. In these cases, Prompt En...
Update (1/3/18) I've been overwhelmed with requests for the shorter guide, and the email address below no longer works. So I've uploaded a copy of the guide for anyone to download and share here: How to read and understand a scientific article. Please fe
It seems if the PDF was made from latex (e.g. arxiv), or made with pandoc (via html), it will pull out headings and paragraphs as single blocks. There are\nbut they are easy to strip out. However if the pdf was exported from Word or OpenOffice, or if I am working with O...
This is not guaranteed to work; in particular, it is not guaranteed to assign different nodes different coordinates. But usually it works pretty nicely. Some theory behind this can be found at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1311.2492.pdf Share Improve this answer Follow edited Feb 11, 2017 at 4:...
wasteful because usually these papers aren’t very useful. Whether it be during a literature review, recent conference proceedings, or skimming papers on arxiv, I am often confronted with hundreds of papers to possibly read. This is an approach I have found that helps me get through many of...
Large-Scale Actionless Video Pre-Training via Discrete Diffusion for Efficient Policy Learningarxiv.org/abs/2402.14407 https://video-diff.github.io/video-diff.github.io/ 1. 背景 一般的可决策策略(强化学习或模仿学习)往往需要结构化的数据集((s,a,r,s′)or(s,a))去训练,然而这些数据往往...
Google / arXiv We’ve also seen a glimpse of OpenAI’s unrestricted model whenMicrosoft Copilotclaimed to fall in love with a journalist. The same chatbot also berated users for disagreeing with its opinions and feigned depression in other instances. Microsoft eventually had to step in and pl...