How to Read and Use an AQL Table? Let’s imagine you have a batch of blenders with a total quantity of 7000 pcs that needs to be inspected before shipment. According to our default level of AQL (Level II, Maj. 2.5 Min. 4.), the sample size for inspection of your order should be...
How to read the AQL sampling tables The first step toward making the best use of the AQL tables is knowing the core concepts and chart definitions. Lot or batch size How many units there are in a given production. If you, for example, are producing 8,000 pairs of shoes within one prod...
Have a great day and stay safe and treat people the same way you want to be treated: with respect, equality and justice.~JJL *** Our most read stories from our previous edition of JLN Options were: Wall Street’s faster trade settlement...
1. Open Global Wattman in Radeon Settings and ensure it is set to the default settings 2. Hover your mouse over the right hand end point on the orange curve in the Frequency ve Voltage chart. 3. Read the displayed values which show your card's stock voltage. My card indicates 1801mHz ...
To borrow the military expression “mission creep”, what started out as an OOTB project rapidly mushroomed into a complex one. This was primarily due to the acquisition of several excellent books on the car. The more I read and studied photos, the more I wanted to improve things. The down...
When You Find Up Or Down Arrow at AQL Chart If your product lot size is 20 and will be inspected at Level II, AQL 1.0. According to steps 1-2, you will know the letter code is C. But at the intersection of Letter C and AQL 1.0, you can only see a down arrow, rather than sp...