Check out this portion of the Sectional Aeronautical Chart legend, found on page 1-1 of the testing supplement that remote pilots need to reference during the FAA’s Aeronautical Knowledge Test. This shows you what colors match up with what airspace classes. Bottom line—if you’re flying in...
With the free versions of the app, users can search for five flights per month. A handful of premium plans, which range from $45 to $150 per month, allow users to fully nerd out with aeronautical charts and unlimited flight and aircraft tracking. FlightStats FlightStatsis an easy-to-use ...
The Federal Aviation Regulations that relate to private pilots Accident reporting requirements FAA publications like the Aeronautical Information Manual and advisory circulars Charts, and navigation using pilotage, dead reckoning, and navigation systems ...
Finding whether or not your airplane is in balance is all about finding the loaded airplane Center of Gravity or CG. Once you have this, you can compare it to the charts or tables the manufacturer gives you to ensure that it is within acceptable limits. The CG cannot be too far forward ...