1 UK gallon contains 4.5460902819948 litres or liters. Multiply your number by 4.5460902819948 (or divide by 0.21996923465436) to convert from UK Gallons to Litres or Liters. How many liters in a Gallon in US? 3.785411784 litres or liters make to one US gallon. The volume unit most frequent...
The flow of your H2O could become weak for a number of reasons. Here’s what you should do to improve your home's water pressure.
Other than for for billing purposes, a water meter can be used for leak detection, or to control water usage during drought conditions. The instrument either measures the volume of water usage in gallons or cubic feet. In many cases, a water meter is a vital component ofproper leak testing...
the gallon. No matter what units you use to measure dimensions, you always have an extra step after calculating volume if you want the answer in gallons. The volume of a cylinder depends on two parameters: the radius of its circular cross-section and its length...
TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) Convert volume to gallons using the appropriate conversion factor. Useful Conversion Factors If you want to calculate volume in gallons, you'll need a few conversion factors. It's handy to have them all in one place, so here is a table of common conversion...
Do not allow the soil to dry out. Reduce watering as roots approach maturity; too much soil moisture at the end of the growing time will cause roots to crack. An inch of water (6.5 gallons per square foot) weekly is best in hot weather. Growing carrots in light soil–sandy soil–wil...
TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) Write out the weight/volume conversion ratio as a fraction, with cubic meters on top and kilograms on the bottom. Then multiply this by the number of cubic meters you're converting into kilograms. Converting From Volume to Weight ...
Read More Conserving Energy in the Kitchen In the winter, firing up a gas or electric oven or range contributes to the heat needed to keep the house warm. So, in addition to the smells of cooking food, you also receive the benefit of the extra heat from the oven and range top's bu...
A cannabis grower can measure the pH of a water sample using special pH tester drops or a digital pH pen, like the one shown here on the right. Okay, so why is pH important to cannabis growers? Cannabis naturally likes a slightly acidic environment at the roots. Soil with a slightly ...
Fig. 2. A basic pump performance curve for centrifugal pumps show it the pump's performance and range. In this curve, head is measured in PSI; maximum flow rate is measured in gallons per hour. Given the relationship between head and PSI, we can look at the sample curve in another way...