You probably know that a magnetized compass and a paper map are part of theTen Essentials. Learning to read that paper topo map (short for topographic map) is every bit as essential. Your map will then be able to tell you a richly detailed tale about the terrain you'll be exploring. T...
A simple guide on how to read a topographic map and feel confident using it outside, with a 3d video demonstration.
Knowing how to read a topographic map is the foundation of any backcountry adventure. Through the use of contour lines, topo maps bring a 3-dimensional element to a 2-dimensional paper map. Topo maps allow you to visualize the rise and fall of the land and “see” the depths of canyons...
Scale tells you how detailed the map is. A topo map with a scale of 1:10,000 shows a smaller area and is more detailed than a map with a 1:25,000 scale because it is more zoomed in. It’s important to know how detailed your map is when you’re planning a route. A map with ...
Knowing how to read a USGS topographical map is essential to successfully finding a ghost town. USGS topographical maps are useful because they show the terrain and lay of the land as well as feature like roads, structures and mines. As you read this, it would be helpful if you also had...
Using the maps contour lines can tell you a lot about the terrain, including steepness, ruggedness, and ground cover. The most important thing to remember when reading a TOPO Map is that CLOSE contour lines indicate VERY STEEP SLOPES, while FARTHER SPACED contour lines indicate a more LEVEL te...
Regardless of whether or not you think navigating is cool and that it will endear you to attract future mates, if you’re headed out into the bush, you should know how to read a map and compass. Even using GPS devices to get around, you’re going to have to be able to orient yours...
All maps courtesy of CalTopo. Related Articles How to Choose a Compass How to Read a Topo Map How to Choose and Use a GPS How to Adjust the Declination on a Compass
Additional Tools for Measuring Slope Angle:Slope angle maps are best used for a big picture overview of terrain. To assure that you avoid 30°+ slopes, use a map in conjunction with a hands-on tool, like aslope meter, for a more accurate slope assessment. That said, measuring by hand ...
Topo map with slope-angle shading of the area in the photograph. Some example terrain features are identified on the map. Section divider Terrain Traps Terrain traps magnify the consequences of being caught in an avalanche. Being washed over a cliff or into a stand of trees increases the chanc...