Awesome. So I'll leave you this last question. What would you say has happened this year for you to consider the year a success? David:I think for this year, ending this year again profitable. I don't actually do this for money. I don't think I mentioned that earlier. Like I said...
Today I'm going to show you how to make a NFC Treasure Hunt Game with your iPhone. MacMost is brought to you thanks to a great group of more than 1000 supporters. Go to There you could read more about the Patreon Campaign. Join us and get exclusive content and...
A sundial consists of two main components: The gnomon, which is the rising piece that casts the shadow. The dial itself, which has markings for the hours as the clock face. You will, of course, also need to know your current latitude and the direction of true north to make any sense ...
This simple device can be made up of nothing but a flat dial and a gnomon (the “pointer” that casts the shadow), but can still be tricky to read if you’re just starting out. By setting up your sundial correctly and completing a few simple calculations, you can synchronize your ...
Read a Clock How toReset the Time and Resynchronize the Chimes on an Antique Mantel Clock How toRead a Sundial How toMake a Sundial How toMake a Paper Clock How to Set Digital, Analog, & Weather Station SkyScan Atomic Clocks How toSet a Grandfather Clock How toWind a Grandfather Clock...
How did you find your partner to work with on this business idea?David: Well my partner had been building wooden surfboards for, god it's going on more than 10 years now, and he had been using reclaimed materials more out of necessity. Right, so the cost was a lot lower when he ...