I am trying to POST data on the webserver and I have a python script that will take name and data to create a file.I have found a few examples of GET method but I could not quite find any complete example for POST method and I am getting an error when I call WinHttpSendRequest()...
Make a file readonly We assume the/tmp/foo.txtfile already exist on your system. We can set the file to read only using both thesetReadOnly()method as thesetWritablemethod. For confirmation we print the result to the console. packagecom.memorynotfound.file;importjava.io.*;publicclassMake...
Make is a UNIX tool and is used as a tool to simplify building executable from different modules of a project. There are various rules that are specified as target entries in the makefile. The make tool reads all these rules and behaves accordingly. For example,if a rule specifies any dep...
If the version is 220 or later, go to the next step. Otherwise, delete parameter--nowfrom the Makefile of atop. vi atop-2.6.0/Makefile Delete parameter--nowfollowing the systemctl command. then /bin/systemctl disable atop 2> /dev/null; \ /bin/systemctl disable atopacct 2> /dev/nul...
version-release-notes.txt added note about x86 MSVC makefile Mar 4, 2023 Repository files navigation README License donut-ollvm 使用OLLVM编译donut的shellcode 原始说明 donut免杀分析: https://xz.aliyun.com/t/13920 https://guage.cool/donutbypassav.html 编译过程 依赖 windows 安装Visual Studio 202...
To build the program executemakeby typing: $make at the command prompt of your favorite shell. This will cause themakeprogram to read themakefileand build the first target it finds there: $makegcc hello.c -o hello If a target is included as a command-line argument, that target is updat...
This will cause the make program to read the makefile and build the first target it finds there: $ make gcc hello.c -o hello If a target is included as a command-line argument, that target is updated. If no com- mand-line targets are given, then the first target in the file is ...
AxImp Error: Did not find a registered ActiveX control in Base64 encoding. Basic build issue: 0 successful, 1 up to date, no output Best C++ Obfuscators? Binary com over serial port bitwise shift read first 4 bits Boost Serialization and MFC: “cannot open file 'libboost_serialization-vc141...
Inbash, we can use$(dirname $0)to get the currentscript’s directory.How toachieve the similar thing in Makefile so that I can useinclude $(self_dir)/release.mk? The key is to find the “current” makefile’s directory: SELF_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) ...
Update Readme.md and rule file Sep 10, 2020 HowTo_AddOpenDDS OpenDDS added missing patch and fix README Apr 29, 2021 HowTo_AddPerfTool PERF: Fix typo at binutils.make Feb 26, 2020 HowTo_AddSQLiteCommandLineTool Added HowTo_AddSQLiteCommandLineTool ...