XML manifest file (imsmanifest.xml)— it houses all the information the SCORM-conformant LMS requires to deliver the content: the unique identifier, the metadata of the SCORM course, resource definitions of all files needed to launch and deliver those resources, and an organization of learning act...
The structures of simple data sets are stored in JavaScript Object Notation or JSON format. It is based on text, is lightweight, has a format that humans can read, and is a standard data interchange format. It contains a .json file extension and is similar to the XML file format. It w...
Chapter 19 discussed the Manager application. It showed that the ManagerServlet class implemented the ContainerServlet interface to get access to Catalina inter...
Post as a guest Name Email Required, but never shown Post Your Answer By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged java spring spring-mvc ...
Outside the SVG create an absolute position div as a tooltip container, and add the mouse event listener on SVG texts dynamic set its content to the tooltip. <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPEsvgPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN""http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/...
file_get_contents (): This reads a file as a string type and helps to read the content of an XML file. simplexml_load_string (): parsing an XML file to take relevant information as we have more web APIs. json_ encode: It returns JSON values after encoding. ...
The Content-Type header is used to specify the content type of the object. The browser determines the format and encoding type that are used to read the object based on the content type of the object. If this header is not specified, the value is generated based on the extension of the...
Preserve zip file name as folderIndicates whether to preserve the source zip file name as a folder structure during copy.Selected (default) or unselectNopreserveZipFileNameAsFolder (undercompressionProperties->typeasZipDeflateReadSettings): true (default) or false ...
Schema/definition(XSD and DTD) files that refer to the manifest file. What tools do I need to turn a video into SCORM? To accomplish this task with no coding, you’ll need either a conversion tool that will let you transform your video into SCORM, or a complete eLearning tool like i...
(under compressionProperties->type as TarGZipReadSettings or TarReadSettings):true (default) or false Null value The string representation of null value. <your null value> empty string (by default) No nullValue Validation mode Whether to validate the XML schema. Nonexsd dtd No validationMode:...