I know it will take me a few hours to read the book because I can read pretty fast if I want to.我知道读这本书只需要几个小时,因为如果我愿意,我可以读得很快。And therefore, I'm far more likely to pick up the book that someone recommends and read it.因此,我更有可能拿起别人推荐的...
A lot of people are so stressed out about not reading quickly enough that they tense their bodies. This lack of physical ease puts their posture out of whack, impedes breathing and makes being alive generally uncomfortable. When learninghow to read a bookfast, you need to be in an optimal ...
How to American by:上善若水dyli 66 How to relax by:果小姨 2485 How to fight by:糖喵喵的小叮当 43.1万 How to talk to anyone by:Robbin的书屋 822 How to Talk to Anyone by: 2388 How to get along by:北京Lucinda 1.9万 How not to die ...
如何阅读一本书(Howtoreadabook) Howtoreadabook? Title:NewInvestingLatticeworkThe Author:RobertG.Hagstrom SeventhchapterLiterature:learningwithoutthinkingis useless Thestatusofselfanalysis: Selfdoubt:thebookI'mreadingnowislikelytotellmecertain facts,nottomakemeunderstandthembetter Therefore,itisnecessarytoimprove...
那么如何来读书,读书是一个发现的过程,它是在向一个不在场的老师学习的过程(learning from an absent teacher). 读书对于人的知识增长过程,如同医生于病人的健康恢复,医生需要对病人做很多处理,但是最终需要病人自身grow in health;同理,knowledge must grow in one mind if learing is to take place. ...
所属专辑:How to read a book 喜欢下载分享 声音简介Determining an author’s message 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 Sentences vs propositions 182023-05 2 Chapter 9 p113-115 132022-05 3 Chapter 8 p103-112 52022-05 4 Chapter 8 p100-102 72022-04 5 ...
read the entire paragraph if you find it useful. A well written introduction will situate a book within the literature of the field. Academic books are a conversation between scholars, and here you're looking for an outline of the conversation the author is having. Who are they reacting to?
If you decide that you need to read the whole book, decide how much you can read at a time.4A history book which may contain the facts in story form will be easier to read than one dealing with scientific subjects. In the former case you may be able to read a chapter. In the latt...
How fast a man reads has nothing to do with how many books he reads.3. Implementation intention motivates one to read.4. The reason why people start reading books and never finish is that they set unachievable goals.5. Temptation bundling refers to attaching a task to a reward one grea...
Learning to read more efficiently will give you a competitive edge over your team members – you will become better at analysis, you’ll will be faster in comprehending new information. Reading fast improves your memory Reading is a great brain exercise. Not only do you have two digest the ...