However, a church’s growth is dependent mainly on how well they can attract millennials, as they make up the largest generation today. In addition, churches now Livestream most services and can reach a larger audience beyond their local assembly. If you want to know how your church can be...
Just consider the results from three recent research projects. In 2019, Barna Group (in a study commissioned by Alpha USA and stated inReviving Evangelismby the Barna Group)found that nearly half (47 percent) of US Christian millennials believe that it’s wrong to share their faith with an...
Millennial Money Man founder Bobby Hoyt and partner Mike Yanda created Laptop Empires, which boasts a seven-figure revenue through their flagship Facebook Side Hustle Course, helping retirees and millennials launch and grow their local Facebook ad agencies. Read this case study Read by10,808founders...
[00:04:27] Jonathan Haidt: phases of social media, so I mean, even the millennials, they had a OL and they had things in the nineties. [00:04:33] Yeah, but those weren't social media of the sort of super viral kind. We know the early phase is 2003 to about 2009. That's whe...
Live streaming is about allowing more people to be a part of what you are doing. For businesses, it is a great way to expand one’s reach and connect with more people. While the people in attendance will enjoy the event, there will be people who won’t be able to attend. Live strea...
It’s not just millennials at the forefront of this fight either. Support from Generation X, the Baby Boomers, and even the Silent Generation have been steadily climbing over the past decade (Nathan). Legalization of marijuana would not mean a free for all for those who use cannabis for ...
We somehow managed to fit 15+ people into Connor’s studio apartment; the night was spent bantering, playing Nintendo 64, drinking and listening to music usually all at the same time. Fortunately we’re all millennials so multitasking wasn’t an issue. Sophia’s Selfies III – The Good, ...
(see Fig.4).Footnote8The growth of the religiously unaffiliated population is occurring across multiple demographic groups; however, it is more concentrated among millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996), 35% of whom identify themselves as religiously unaffiliated (Pew Research Center2015). ...
deeming them complexities of religion which they assume should be simple, logical, and easily understood. Recent surveys indicate that Millennials have taken a “lukewarm” approach to religion due to this conflict between their expectation and their encounter with religion that either seems illogical ...
If you want to know how to find a husband with the right man, you need some tough love from me and this is it. If he isn’t texting, you must say “next!”. High-quality men know it’s their job to reach out to you after the first date and if he isn’t doing this, he’...