wasimbarri You can refer below URL on detail: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/account-billing/set-up-the-microsoft-authenticator-app-as-your-verification-method-33452159-6af9-438f-8f82-63ce94cf3d29
你可以在登录过程中微移用户以设置 Microsoft Authenticator。 用户将完成常规登录,照常执行多重身份验证,然后系统会提示设置 Microsoft Authenticator。 可以包括或排除用户或组,以控制微移谁来设置应用。 这样,目标市场活动便可将用户从不太安全的身份验证方法迁移到 Authenticator。还...
Applies To Microsoft Authenticator 若要從驗證Microsoft註銷,您必須移除所有帳戶。 提示:若要在 Authenticator 中還原帳戶認證,請先註銷再繼續進行帳戶復原。 從Microsoft Authenticator 移除帳戶 開啟Authenticator,然後選取您要移除的帳戶。 點選[設定] 齒輪 點選[移除帳戶]。 重要:拿掉帳戶之後,您將無法使用您的裝置...
i have been logged out of my email due to using the wrong password, and i can't reset the password due to having 2 factor authentication which includes the authenticator app, but i cannot log into the authenticator app because i don't have the password…
On your computer, go toAdvanced security optionsin your Microsoft account dashboard. Sign in SelectAdd a new way to sign in or verify. ChooseUse an app. Tip:If you don't yet have Authenticator installed, selectGet it now. If you do have the app already inst...
Hi, I've lost my access in authenticator because I lost my phone. Now I cannot set up anew the 2 step verification process that I need to access eLabJournal that I need to work and it's impossible to access. Help!!!Microsoft Authenticator Microsoft Authenticator A Microsoft app for...
Note: As part of setting up this account, you’ll be given a QR code to scan with your device; this is one way we ensure you are in physical possession of the device you are installing the Authenticator app on. Add Authenticator as the only way to si...
Applies ToMicrosoft Authenticator To sign out from Microsoft Authenticator, you need to remove all your accounts. Tip: To restore account credentials in Authenticator, sign out before proceeding with account recovery. To remove an account from Microsoft Authenticator Open Authenticator...
在Authenticator 对话框中,输入登录屏幕上显示的数字。 选择“批准”。 提供PIN 或生物识别。 多帐户 可以在任何受支持的 Android 或 iOS 设备上为 Authenticator 中的多个帐户启用无密码手机登录。 Microsoft Entra ID 中具有多个帐户的顾问、学生和其他用户可将每个帐户添加到 Authenticator,并使用来自同一设备的所有...
For all other accounts displayed, the user must authenticate to create a new public/private keypair on the device and re-register each account’s public key for the new Authenticator instance. \n \n \n HelloAlex Weinert, how are you ?