Finding equivalent fractions is useful when comparing fractions or performing fraction arithmetic. Find out how to convert fractions into equivalent forms in this quick guide.
rationalise the denominator of 1/√3. solution: given radical expression is 1/√3. now, we have to write 1/√3 as an equivalent expression in which the denominator is a rational number. as we know, √3 is irrational and the product √3.√3 is a rational number. thus, by multiplying...
I stopped trying to rationalise the Thai mentality on the whole, for us brought up in different civilisation, it takes a flexible mind to deal with such a different culture, I guess the best way to put it is, Mai b’pen rai... you’re never going to change anything here, the author...
When THE BALLAD OF JOHN AXON was finally broadcast, it received the kind of publicity that is usually give to a controversial play or to a novel banned by the censor. Robert Robinson in the course of a two-column spread in The Sunday Times, wrote: "As remarkable a piece of radio as I...
If you’re born in a crab bucket, the first thing you must do is escape and seek lessons from winners. To losers nothing’s their fault, they rationalise their inferiority by shifting blame to those they’re jealous of, they’re pathetic. Losers are socialists and people who think the ...
the benefit will be available to eligible start-ups incorporated before 01.04.2030. For company mergers, speedy approvals will be rationalised. Scope for fast tracked mergers will be made simpler. Light touch regulatory framework: through this framework The Govt will update registrations made under ...
RVF Rift Valley Fever (febrile disease caused by a virus) RVF Raster Vector Format RVF Racial Volunteer Force (neo-Nazi group) RVF Remote Virtual File (protocol) RVF Right Ventricular Failure RVF Relaxed Vector Fitting (algorithm) RVF Residual Volume Fraction RVF Retroversion-Flexion (uterine positi...
But I rationalise that there can’t be more than 10 really urgent ones to deal with – if anything drastic was happening, people would surely phone. I’m realising how needy I am. Maybe it’s not a fear of being pursued, but the opposite: what if, instead of hundreds of claims for...
These somewhat surprising results are rationalised in terms of the different network structures of the two systems: two long AA chains are linked by one BB bond (X-junction) in the former case, and by one AB bond (Y-junction) in the latter. The vapour鈥搇iquid transition may then be ...
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